Wednesday, 23 July 2014

New 'N Tasty

Greetings one and all!

Yesterday I found out something exciting.

The Abe's Oddysee remake known as New 'N Tasty was due out today in the EU on PS(take your pick) systems.

This brought me a whole level of nostalgic joy. This was a game I played some as a kid after it came out, and I pretty much did OK at best at it. It's also the kinda game which whilst playing as a fully fledged job weilding adult. I truly SUCK at. I don't know why, but for some reason any skill I had with this game went down the shitter as I got older.

Anyway. I'm excited for it.
Because it looks like the kinda remake that is good. That they've taken the thought of re-doing their game so very seriously.
Have I played it at time or writing this?
What about seeing it?
Well, I'm watching that next-door-neighbour I grew up with playing it as I write.

Am I still excited?
Damn it's pretty
Damn it's still got that 'oh shit' feeling when something goes horribly wrong.
Damn it's still got the charm.

Yeah. I'm excited and will at some point grab the game. Because this is how a remake should be done. With love, care and tenderness for the original.

That's all for now.
Have a lovely evening!  

Monday, 7 July 2014

A vexing evening

Greetings one and all!

Today's is a little ramble on the stupidity of gaming I came into last night.

Beginning: Yesterday evening I fancied playing some modded Minecraft.
After looking over some of the packs avaliable from the Tekkit and FeedTheBeast launchers I chose one that sounded like some fun.
Agrarian Skies - Hardcore Quest. It sounded like it'd be interesting and fun to have a little faff about in.
So I download the pack, load it up, create a world
And instantly die
The world hadn't loaded underneath me, so I die again and die once more and am told I've run out of lives and the world is now deleting myself because I suck.

Okay, not what I was expecting, so I create a new world expecting the first time it to be a hiccup.
It was not. There was no world loading.
Re-reading the modpack blurb it does mention you CAN download maps for the modpack.
So I go and download the only one avaliable and find that this is what I was SUPPOSED to be doing. It doesn't automatically generate a world despite what Minecraft tells you.

So, I sit through the intro, it's interesting. I get started slowly on following the quests to acheiving the quests and unlocking more items so I can expand the world beyond the small platform that I've been given.
I die to starvation twice and thankfully gain an extra life and am finally getting on a little roll with things.
I then click on a button in a book to finish a quest and receive my items. I gain an extra life. I 'consume' the extra life
World deleted.

That shat on my evening there and then.

So I decide to play something ELSE and leave modded minecraft behind.

I chose Assassins Creed 3.
A game I bought when it came out, played for a while then put down and have barely touched since then. I picked up AC4 in the Steam sale for a reasonable price however I won't actually install and PLAY it until I've finished AC3. You know. Story.

First off, it doesn't load up. I'm still not too sure why but I ended up restarting my computer because the damn thing was insisting it was loading or already running, and yet nothing loaded.
Once reboot is complete I open the game, and it wants to patch. FINE! Patch done, Uplay now wants me to play Far Cry 3 (Another game I'm gently plodding my way through) and I have to poke it with my mouse some to get it to agree that alright I can play AC3 BUT ONLY as long as I go through a screen which tells me I'm essentially reinstalling it.
Whatever. I get in.
I run around for about 10 mins, get to the next mission. Finish off a couple of story missions and then I hit one where I have to ride on horseback and stop some messengers with an optional mission of not touching the floor.
Alright, I have a bow that should be fine.
Can I work out how in all of the hell to USE the bow on horseback?
No..... I don't even know if it's doable, but it should be right?
So I jump down, kill the first messenger and oh... it's timed... Alright, not a problem, it's labled an OPTIONAL mission to kill the messengers before the time runs out.
It wasn't optional, that was APPARENTLY the main mission
Which I find out as I'm desperatly trying to charge uphill in the rain and dark on the back of a horse whose ass is taking up 1/4 of the screen who keeps jumping over stuff that isn't there, refuses to go FAST and generally is a pain. Of course it doesn't help that I can't see the damn path I'm trying to following to CHASE these stupid messengers.
Oh and then the combat when I screwed up trying to GET at the messengers.
I swear AC3 has the LEAST fun combat in ALL of the AC games I've played. (That would be 1,2,Both of Ezio's spin offs and 3) It just feels like no one TRIED to remember that PC gamers play this shit with it's ambiguous button selections and stupid ass menu system so when you DO wanna look up the controls it's an arse to get too.
Anyway, after several tries I manage that.
Next mission is take out native fighters without killing them.
Fine, I sneak up behind them. Take them down. One objects and as I press the buttons to RUN AWAY my character keeps trying to dart in and gets stabbed...... repeatedly.
This mission also takes a couple of tries.
I then have a NAVAL battle (I hate the naval battles) and somehow wrangle myself through the sodding things.
Only for the game to freeze mid-cut scene after a big fight.

You know what?
I was done.
So VERY done right there and then with buginess.
The amount of glitching that was going on whilst I was playing AC3 was pissing me off so much I was yelling at my computer. I even just stood and took a stabbing at one point because I felt my character DESERVED it.
Oh, yeah, that also doesn't take into account the bit I did where back in the real world Desmond just walks into Abstergo and is at one point chasing some nut case around an area... who I lost when some guard shot me off the beams and I spent 10 MINUTES running around the room trying to find the fucker so I could basically kill him. But couldn't FIND him because he was running away from me across 3 different levels. It was pure sodding luck I spotted him when I did and could dispatch him. Only for the cutscene to then jump beyond the other side of the room to Desmond darting into a lift, of which they were all closed so dunno how you wrangled that you fucker.

That was my gaming experiance yesterday that caused me to get more than a little pissed off.
Games shouldn't piss you off in that way.
I've said before I enjoy challenging games.
That means games that are well designed and yes they might be about jumping puzzles that are pixel perfect.
But at least they weren't so glitchy that you couldn't complete a mission BECAUSE the glitches and the game and level design made it stupidly difficult to complete it.
A jumping puzzle on a 2D platform, I acknowledge, is hugely different to modding a game as complex as Minecraft, or an action/adventure game with so many mechanics they're coming out of the wazoo like AC3.
But still.

Is there any chance you could maybe test your games a little more publishers?
Oh, and whilst your at it.

After a decent morning at work and an afternoon/evening spent mostly reading a brand new fiction book, I'm feeling a lot better.
I hope no one else runs into the kind of mental state I fell into last night.

That's all for now.
Have a lovely evening!