Wednesday, 14 January 2015


Greetings one and all!

In a recent discussion with a friend, a thought came to mind.
I like it when I receive comments.

I REALLY like it when I receive comments.


When you get a comment you know for sure that not only did someone take a look, but they were interested enough to actually engage with you ABOUT that.
That thought makes me smile.
I hope I'll get more comments on my blog or on my youtube video's in the future.

Now, before I sign off all happy like, I'm WELL aware that the comments section of youtube can be a cesspit of hatred, bile, and general asshattery. I'm not 'big' enough or 'important' enough to garner that kind of attention. I'd probably be quite happy if I never got that big to get that kind of attention. But then, if I DO start getting that kind of nasty stuff coming my way?
Oh well.
I'll deal with it then.

Have a lovely evening all!

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Crypt of the Necrodancer

Greetings one and all!

During the Steam Winter Sale one of my friends did a really awesome thing.
They bought me a game.
That game, was Crypt of the Necrodancer.

Now, I'd added it to my wish list not too long before it was acquired for me because I quite liked the idea of it. I'd barely seen any gaming videos OF the game, but the idea caught my brain and left a lingering idea that this was both a very daft but possibly very cool idea.

Today I installed and played some of it.
As of writing this, Saturday 10/01/15 I've only played 35 minutes of the game.
I was right. It's very daft and very cool.
It's also bloody hard!

It's been a long time since I really played any rhythm based games, I believe the last one I did with any sincerity was Elite Beat Agents... and although it was brilliant I did have a few issues with certain songs note QUITE hitting the beat with the touches. Just... so very close but off enough for me to avoid a perfect on certain tracks and thus driving me up the wall.
This one?
Crypt of the Necrodancer isn't a full release. It's in ... alpha or beta, I forget which one the game told me and that means there's room for things to change. That's cool! The game is very cool. I'm not doing TOO bad, as I'm still getting used to the mechanics and how the enemies move (VERY important in game) however on that first level I can't quite get into the rhythm of tapping my arrow key in time with the beat and CONTINUOUSLY tapping with the beat.
This is an odd sensation when the game is laid out like a rouge-like and my brain naturally wants me to stop and give the approaching enemies a quick look over and assessment however if you wanna keep that multiplier up then you have GOT to keep moving.
So I go around in little circles, or back and forth, to keep that beat going.
Which then distracts me from the oncoming enemies and keeping in time with their particular move sets.
Which leads to death.

It's a learning curve I most certainly was NOT ready for!
And you know what?

I'm REALLY loving it.

Also everyone seems to have forgotten that this game does in fact have some story to it!
It's right there in the opening cinematic!
I like it.

And I will be playing more of it!

That's all for now.
Have a lovely evening!

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Out of the darkness

Greetings one and all!

Out of the darkness cometh a new player to the youtubes!

Into the light of the online plethora of youtubers (myself included) comes someone with a wit that is sharp, a humour that is varied and, so far, two puppets to give their distinct views on stuff.

I present:

Seriously people, go check out their stuff. It's better than mine.

That's all for now.
Have a lovely evening!

Friday, 9 January 2015

Mind boggling weirdness

Greetings one and all!

Something that's been bugging me for ... at least the last 6 to 10 months is just how much of my stuff sucks.
It's nothing specific. It's just sometimes after recording I start editing it to be ready for going onto youtube and I just ... I'm not feeling it. It's not brilliant, it might have some funny moments but the thing as a whole just doesn't ... feel as good as it should?
I realise that trying to explain this with words is like trying to quantify love, or beauty. Though this is just like trying to pin down why a poem just doesn't quite work. You know that there's the potential there, but it's just not .....quite.....right.

I realise that the old adage that you are your own worst critic is completly right and that as the stuff I've recorded is still good stuff I should release it anyway. Hell I chuckle at some points on a video or two I've got waiting to be edited and uploaded.
I just haven't...because of this niggling feeling that it's not quite right.

I will get over this feeling and upload them before long, and if anyone has any idea as to how to tweak the ones that get uplaoded so they actually ARE hitting that....thing, please let me know.
But thi sis why I keep having pauses or breaks in uploading.

Another blog to go up tomorrow for those interested as I wanna give a shoutout to a friend whose started and totally deserves more likes/views/subscribers and the like because they're awesome.

That's all for now.
Have a lovely evening!

Friday, 2 January 2015

On Piano's Decline

Greetings one and all!

I've noticed something in the last few days.
I seem to have stumbled over more than a couple of articles bemoaning the lack of piano playing kids in this modern age.
Now... when reading said articles I notice that most of that pointing finger of blame is pointed right at how overwhelmed with electronics the modern world is, and how no kids want to sit and play a real piano with it's variable noises depending on how hard the key is pressed.

Yet... there seems to be ONE key point all of these articles have avoided.

Piano's are loud.

I realise that this is surely obvious but whether you've got a Grand Piano or a standup. Piano's are loud instruments.
Far louder than a recorder, or a violin. Maybe not as loud as a set of drums mind you but loud nonetheless.
Now yes all of these articles state that kids are much more likely to play a musical electric keyboard rather than a piano and how it doesn't compare.
I'd agree, it DOESN'T compare.
But you know what an electric keyboard has that a real piano doesn't?
A headphone slot.

Which is far as I'm concerned is the REAL reason kid's aren't playing the piano anymore.
Well, that and price. A real piano is sodding expensive to buy in the first place, expensive to maintain and even more expensive to move. The kids whose parents aren't minted, or live in a property where the nieghbours can't hear a piano at all hours would be more likely to look towards an electric keyboard than a piano.

And as my parents and grandparents used to drum into me when *I* played instruments as a kid.
You've gotta practise. (which funnily enough means you have to have ACCESS to said instrument at all times of the week incase it's decided for you that now is practise time, or you're in the mood)

Sorry the ranting today, I just needed to get it off of my chest.

That's all for now.
Have a lovely evening!

(Oh for reference, through my school years I had lessons on: recorder, violin, clarinet. Never had piano but thought about it. My nan (currently in her 80's) STILL plays and has violin lessons as has my whole life)