Friday 9 January 2015

Mind boggling weirdness

Greetings one and all!

Something that's been bugging me for ... at least the last 6 to 10 months is just how much of my stuff sucks.
It's nothing specific. It's just sometimes after recording I start editing it to be ready for going onto youtube and I just ... I'm not feeling it. It's not brilliant, it might have some funny moments but the thing as a whole just doesn't ... feel as good as it should?
I realise that trying to explain this with words is like trying to quantify love, or beauty. Though this is just like trying to pin down why a poem just doesn't quite work. You know that there's the potential there, but it's just not .....quite.....right.

I realise that the old adage that you are your own worst critic is completly right and that as the stuff I've recorded is still good stuff I should release it anyway. Hell I chuckle at some points on a video or two I've got waiting to be edited and uploaded.
I just haven't...because of this niggling feeling that it's not quite right.

I will get over this feeling and upload them before long, and if anyone has any idea as to how to tweak the ones that get uplaoded so they actually ARE hitting that....thing, please let me know.
But thi sis why I keep having pauses or breaks in uploading.

Another blog to go up tomorrow for those interested as I wanna give a shoutout to a friend whose started and totally deserves more likes/views/subscribers and the like because they're awesome.

That's all for now.
Have a lovely evening!

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