Friday 2 January 2015

On Piano's Decline

Greetings one and all!

I've noticed something in the last few days.
I seem to have stumbled over more than a couple of articles bemoaning the lack of piano playing kids in this modern age.
Now... when reading said articles I notice that most of that pointing finger of blame is pointed right at how overwhelmed with electronics the modern world is, and how no kids want to sit and play a real piano with it's variable noises depending on how hard the key is pressed.

Yet... there seems to be ONE key point all of these articles have avoided.

Piano's are loud.

I realise that this is surely obvious but whether you've got a Grand Piano or a standup. Piano's are loud instruments.
Far louder than a recorder, or a violin. Maybe not as loud as a set of drums mind you but loud nonetheless.
Now yes all of these articles state that kids are much more likely to play a musical electric keyboard rather than a piano and how it doesn't compare.
I'd agree, it DOESN'T compare.
But you know what an electric keyboard has that a real piano doesn't?
A headphone slot.

Which is far as I'm concerned is the REAL reason kid's aren't playing the piano anymore.
Well, that and price. A real piano is sodding expensive to buy in the first place, expensive to maintain and even more expensive to move. The kids whose parents aren't minted, or live in a property where the nieghbours can't hear a piano at all hours would be more likely to look towards an electric keyboard than a piano.

And as my parents and grandparents used to drum into me when *I* played instruments as a kid.
You've gotta practise. (which funnily enough means you have to have ACCESS to said instrument at all times of the week incase it's decided for you that now is practise time, or you're in the mood)

Sorry the ranting today, I just needed to get it off of my chest.

That's all for now.
Have a lovely evening!

(Oh for reference, through my school years I had lessons on: recorder, violin, clarinet. Never had piano but thought about it. My nan (currently in her 80's) STILL plays and has violin lessons as has my whole life)

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